Thursday 20 March 2014

Animated Explainer Videos

When you want a demo video that is both eye-catching and thought-provoking, you need a reliable team that can turn your business or concept into a viral hit.
At Tim Goodspeed Demo Videos, we specialize in taking your unusual or unique concept and packaging it in a clear, concise way that anyone can understand. With interesting graphics, relevant writing and astonishing animation, our easy-to-understand animated demo videos give you an edge over the competition. This gives you the best chance to tell your story the way YOU want it and turn contacts into long-term fans.

The Process for Creating Demo Videos
Our team has some of the most experienced professionals when it comes to creating unique and compelling demo videos. We start by sitting down with you and really understanding who your target audience is and how to best share your message with them. Then, we take those ideas and send them to our script writer, who turns your message into a tangible product that can be edited and tweaked. Finally, we work with you do develop and choose voice artists that complement the work of our professional animator.
The thing we are best known for is out ability to create a fresh, new demo videos every time. This means that you get an animated video that clearly explains your product and is unlike anything else on the market. We individually storyboard each video, collaborate with your chosen team of professional voiceover artists and edit it for succinctness and engagement. You’ll love watching your concept come to life through seamless images, exciting voiceover work and flawless animation, all in as little as 3 weeks.
How do you begin? Just send us your pitch and we’ll discuss how we can make your ideas soar with an investment starting at $2,000.
Are Demo Videos Really Worth the Money?
Is it worth the effort and money? Our former clients think so. Here’s what they have to say:
“Fantastic Results!”
“Responsible, flexible and highly skilled.”
Let me turn your concepts into a lead-generating demo video force. Contact Tim Goodspeed Demo Videos today, and we can talk about how to send the right message for your business. My teams’ experience, creative know-how and phenomenal skill set are the perfect combination to launch your message above the advertising atmosphere.
To read more about Animated Explainer Videos  just click on the given link in this line.

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